Thursday, June 21, 2007


Grandkids are wonders, so different and special. This week I listened to Latin and French and dragon stories from MB; I learned more about rocks from BB; I laughed over and over at the incredible mind of RB whose questions and imagination entertained us (Well, I thought she was funny; her siblings sometimes didn't). MF quietly jabbered with MB, and JF is still amazed by the new van. RB is the new Dog Whisperer as she helps train Dax and Sasha, and has almost complete control over Pooka. AlF chattered her way into the house to the delight of BB, who turned to me and said, "I've been waiting for her all week!" AsF shyly entered the house, but in no time at all, RB and AsF shared and played and laughed and explained things to each other all evening, like best buds. Could we do this all summer?